化石講場-Fossils Board » [恐龍新聞 Dinosaur News] » 中國嘉峪關發現霸王龍祖先化石-雄關龍

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hunter-hunted2009-4-22 08:59 AM

美國古生物學家在中國甘肅最新找到的一批化石,為霸王龍的進化過程提供了新的線索。 化石是在嘉峪關市附近發現的,被命名為雄關龍(Xiongguanlong baimoensis)。

霸王龍又叫暴龍。此前古生物學家們證實存在的暴龍屬品種只有雷克斯暴龍(Tyrannosaurus rex),因此通常不予區分。但這次找到的雄關龍很可能是暴龍屬的更早品種,也就是雷克斯暴龍的祖先。










這篇論文所提及的似鳥龍下目(Ornithomimosauria)恐龍化石在甘肅酒泉地區與內蒙古交接的馬鬃山地區俞井子盆地發現,被命名為馬鬃山龍(Beishanlong grandis)。這個學名意味著北山龍體型十分巨大。


fossilshk2009-4-22 03:50 PM

c72009-4-23 10:46 PM

c72009-5-4 06:19 AM
sciencenews.org 找到報導!
Remains of intermediate appear in a 40-million-year–long gap in tyrannosaur fossil record[/size][img]http://www.sciencenews.org/view/download/id/43051/name/EYE_TO_EYE_[/img]

The human-sized tyrannosaur Xiongguanlong baimoensis (gray) is an evolutionary intermediate between the smallest- and oldest-known tyrannosaurs (such as Dilong paradoxus, left) and the most recent behemoths such as Tyrannosaurus rex.

A newly described species of tyrannosaur is small enough to look humans in the eye. Fossils of the new tyrannosaur, Xiongguanlong baimoensis, help fill in details about the evolution of the fearsome meat-eating dinosaurs. Xiongguanlong lived in what is now western China between 110 million and 120 million years ago, says Peter Makovicky, a paleontologist at The Field Museum in Chicago. That era lies well within a 40-million-year–long gap in the tyrannosaur fossil record, he and his colleagues note online April 21 in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Remains of the creature suggest that Xiongguanlong weighed about 270 kilograms and stood about 2 meters tall at the hips. So, the meat-eating biped also fills the size gap that accompanies the time gap in the fossil record, falling between small ancestors such as Guanlong wucaii — a lithe, half-meter–high creature that lived about 160 million years ago — and multiton behemoths such as Tyrannosaurus rex, which stood about 4 meters tall at the hips and lived between 68 million and 65 million years ago.

The new remains “come from the business end of the animal, where many interesting aspects of tyrannosaur evolution occurred,” Makovicky says. For instance, the fossils suggest Xiongguanlong had a long narrow snout with flesh-nipping teeth at the front of its jaws, whereas later tyrannosaurs, including T. rex, had short-snouted skulls well-suited for crushing bones.

oviraptor2009-5-5 04:22 AM

freefall2009-5-15 07:44 PM

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