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cheungchinwang2009-12-23 11:51 AM

香港科學教育關注組的問卷和意見調查 E-mail 此主題給朋友

對演化論的認知與信仰的關係問卷 Survey about knowledge of evolution
[url=http://www.facebook.com/l/0dcb2;[url]www.esurveyspro.com/Survey.aspx?[/url] ... c-b8d2-32e7d183e406]http://www.facebook.com/l/0dcb2;[url]www.esurveyspro.com/Survey.aspx?[/url] ... c-b8d2-32e7d183e406[/url]

贊成/反對演化論 poll on evolution (accept/reject)

如果可以請forward 給你認識的朋友﹐ 例如通過 Facebook 或者個人電子郵件﹐讓我們收集更多資料研究﹐所以請儘量用你的網絡傳開去。此外問卷也收集調查對象電子郵件﹐ 我們有機會進行教育工作﹐所以問卷越多人填越好﹐對象越廣泛越好。
Iwill like also you help to forward the message to your other friendsvia Facebook or email so that we can collect more data to analyze. Weare asking respondents of the survey to voluntarily provide their emailcontacts, so that later on we can do some long term educationactivities. Therefore forward it to as many and as diverse group youcan reach via your network.

如果問卷多人回應﹐ 例如訪問了幾百人﹐我們可以提交給教育局或者嘗試給報章報導。
If we have a good responses, the data can be submitted to the Education Bureau or get published in local newspaper.

oviraptor2009-12-29 06:22 AM

c72010-1-11 09:26 AM

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