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fossilshk2011-9-16 07:33 PM
加拿大琥珀 發現恐龍羽毛化石 (圖文)

(法新社華盛頓16日電) 研究今天指出,加拿大博物館的收藏品中,發現少量封存在琥珀中的羽毛化石,年代溯自8000萬年前的恐龍或鳥類。

加拿大亞伯達大學(University of Alberta)研究生邁凱拉(Ryan McKellar),曾仔細研究這所大學和皇家泰瑞爾古生物學博物館(Royal Tyrrell Museumof Palaeontology)所保存的4000多個琥珀樣本。



邁凱拉所發現的化石,顏色從褐色到黑色都有,保存在樹脂內,後來變成琥珀,是從加拿大西南部亞伯達省草湖(Grassy Lake)附近知名的琥珀沉積岩層中出土。(譯者:中央社張曉雯)

fossilshk2011-9-16 07:54 PM

[b]Web-Entangled feather[/b]
An isolated piece of feather, trapped within a tangled mass of spider’s web in Late Cretaceous Canadian amber. The feather branches may have been gray or black.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]Simple Protofeathers[/b]
Numerous individual filaments in Late Cretaceous Canadian amber. These filaments are similar to the protofeathers that have been found as fossils with some dinosaurs. These filaments range from clear to near-black.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]Coiled For Diving[/b]
A feather accompanied by a microphysid plant bug. The coiling observed in the feather is directly comparable to coils found in modern bird feathers specialized for water uptake and are suggestive of diving behavior, but similar structures can be used to transport water to the nest.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]Brown Feathers[/b]
Pigmentation in these feathers gives it a beaded appearance. Pigment in the feather suggests it would have been medium- or dark-brown in color.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]Curly Coils[/b]
The cork-screw shaped structures in the image are the tightly coiled bases of feather barbules.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]Modern Equivalent[/b]
An isolated barb from a white belly feather of a modern grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis), illustrating coiled barbule bases comparable to those in the Cretaceous specimen. In both cases, the coiling is a structural adaptation that allows the feather to absorb water.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]Color-Producing Cells[/b]
A feather barb that shows some indication of original coloration. The oblong brown masses within the image are regions of color within the barbules. In this specimen, the overall feather color appears to have been medium- or dark-brown.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]A clear example[/b]
An isolated, unpigmented feather barb and a mite preserved in Canadian Late Cretaceous amber.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]Simple Pigments[/b]
Overview of 6 pigmented feather barbs.
Credit: Science/AAAS

[b]Pigmented Feathers[/b]
Overview of 16 clumped feather barbs
Credit: Science/AAAS


megalodon2011-9-17 01:03 PM

oviraptor2011-9-20 12:53 PM

[[i] 本帖最後由 dinosaur 於 2011-9-20 08:55 PM 編輯 [/i]]

c72011-9-21 04:48 PM

hunter-hunted2011-9-28 07:47 PM

fossilshk2011-9-29 04:49 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]hunter-hunted[/i] 於 2011-9-29 03:47 AM 發表
有沒有可能是鳥羽? [/quote]
有可能, 因為琥珀中的羽毛有好幾種

Ken2011-10-7 03:29 PM

oviraptor2011-10-8 10:23 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Ken[/i] 於 2011-10-7 11:29 PM 發表
但我向來很喜歡琥珀..因為它含什麼也好..都是顯示出一個過去的�� ... [/quote]

PRIMEVAL8702012-8-30 11:44 AM

Dinosaurprince2012-9-19 11:32 AM
there is fibre feather also, will it b possible a pterosaur feature/ 'hair' ?

達爾文2012-9-21 10:51 AM

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