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Edmond2012-12-5 05:32 PM


這種生物大小可能跟拉布拉多犬差不多,被命名為「帕林頓尼亞薩龍」(Nyasasaurus parringtoni),名稱來自現在稱為馬拉威湖(Lake Malawi)的尼亞薩湖(Lake Nyasa),以及當時在尼亞薩湖附近發現化石的劍橋大學古生物學家帕林頓(Rex Parrington)。中央社(翻譯)

*順便一提在YAHOO 新聞的下部會看到一些人留言, 有的不相信有恐龍、懷疑化石的可信性.什至說成從前的生物是上帝或史前文明人類的寵物等, 沒知識之餘更不願意去認識, 實在覺得很可惜。:Q

oviraptor2012-12-5 06:36 PM
回復 #1 Edmond 的帖子


fossilshk2012-12-5 07:35 PM
Artist rendering of Nyasasaurus parringtoni, either the earliest dinosaur or the closest dinosaur relative yet discovered. Nyasasaurus parringtoni was up to 10 feet long, weighed perhaps 135 pounds and is depicted near plant-eating reptiles of the genus Stenaulorhynchus.

The humerus, or upper arm bone, of Nyasasaurus parringtoni next to a cross section of the bone. The many colors indicate that the bone fibers are disorganized, much like those of early dinosaurs.


dragonfly2012-12-6 04:46 PM

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