化石講場-Fossils Board » [化石博物館 Fossil Museum] » Palaontologisches Museum Munich, Germany

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ACes2013-1-24 12:15 AM
Palaontologisches Museum Munich, Germany

It has been a long time since I posted and I wish Fossil HK a happy 2013. Recently I went to Munich for a week long holiday visiting friends and I took a little trip to the Paleontology Museum of Munich, which funny enough is actually run by one of the university in Munich.

The museum is small and it is actually lecture halls for LMU's Geology department. And the fossils are display in the spare space they have got.

The collection is pretty small however this museum houses one of the original samples of Archaeopteryx (始祖鳥). Enough of me talking, enjoy the photos.

If you are ever in Munich it is easy to get to, if you go by tube starting from the Hauptbahnhof (Main rail station), take the U2 (direction Feldmoching) and get off at Konigsplatz. The museum is 10 minutes walk from the tube station.

[[i] 本帖最後由 ACes 於 2013-2-1 12:34 AM 編輯 [/i]]

達爾文2013-1-24 09:12 AM
All the best in 2013!:)

fossilshk2013-1-24 12:08 PM
回復 #1 ACes 的帖子

你好ACes , 好久不見了, 又有好東西分享啦:handshake! 沒見過慕尼黑古生物博物館的標本, 見識見識!!

Edmond2013-1-24 02:20 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]ACes[/i] 於 2013-1-24 08:15 發表
It has been a long time since I posted and I wish Fossil HK a happy 2013. Recently I went to Munich for a week long holiday visiting friends and I took a little trip to the Paleontology Museum of M ... [/quote]

這個應該是Archaeopteryx bavarica BSP I 1999 München specimen (圖右二)

見到標本, 好漂亮:handshake 完整程度也高啊

ACes2013-1-24 02:34 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Edmond[/i] 於 2013-1-24 10:20 PM 發表

這個應該是Archaeopteryx bavarica BSP I 1999 München specimen (圖右二)

見到標本, 好漂亮:handshake 完整程度也高啊 [/quote]

Yes mate it is the one they found in one of the rock foundations near Munich! However it is no longer the type specimen as the one held in Natural History Museum in the UK has recently gain the type status.


寒武紀2013-1-25 01:27 PM
很古典的博物館!展出的這對始祖鳥化石應該是真品 thanks for it!

megalodon2013-1-27 04:54 PM
Any mammal fossils display?

ACes2013-1-28 07:19 PM
Any chance of increasing the size of attachments? 276kb is too small :(

oviraptor2013-1-29 11:00 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]ACes[/i] 於 2013-1-29 03:19 AM 發表
Any chance of increasing the size of attachments? 276kb is too small :( [/quote]
Ok, we will check it.

rock-tw2013-1-31 09:26 AM


fossilshk2013-2-1 07:12 PM
更新了很多圖片啊, 大家不要錯過

hunter-hunted2013-2-4 09:09 AM
回復 #11 fossilshk 的帖子


Edmond2013-2-5 09:12 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]rock-tw[/i] 於 2013-1-31 17:26 發表

是不是恐龍:P [/quote]

這種叫迅猛鱷屬(屬名:Prestosuchus)又名布里斯托鱷, 是一類早期的爬行掠食動物, 跟恐龍來自共同的祖先,叫主龍類 Archosauria, 後來分成兩種類群, 一種叫鑲嵌踝類主龍 Crurotarsi,  迅猛鱷屬於這類, 而恐龍屬於鳥頸類主龍 Avemetatarsalia. 兩者有著不同的演化路線

界:        動物界 Animalia
門:        脊索動物門 Chordata
綱:        蜥形綱 Sauropsida
亞綱:        雙孔亞綱 Diapsida
下綱:        主龍形下綱 Archosauromorpha
鑲嵌踝類主龍 Crurotarsi
目:        勞氏鱷目 Rauisuchia
科:        迅猛鱷科 Prestosuchidae
Romer, 1966

達爾文2013-2-7 07:47 AM
回復 #11 fossilshk 的帖子


恐龍獵手2016-10-16 08:18 AM

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