化石講場-Fossils Board » [恐龍新聞 Dinosaur News] » Fossil of 'first giant' dinosaur discovered in Argentina

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Dinosaurprince2018-7-11 12:49 AM
Fossil of 'first giant' dinosaur discovered in Argentina

They are the biggest animals to have walked the Earth, with some weighing as much as a space shuttle.

However, it is unclear how dinosaurs grew to such massive proportions.

A new dinosaur discovery from Argentina gives fresh evidence on the rise of the giants.

The animal used a novel strategy to become super-sized, involving very fast growth spurts and efficient bird-like lungs, say palaeontologists.

The fossil was found in the northwest of Argentina during a field trip. The scientists found four skeletons in all, one of a new species and three of related dinosaurs.


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