化石講場-Fossils Board » [地質與自然 Geology And Nature] » 科學家於11 億年前的岩石中發現到最古老的顏色

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fossilshk2018-7-11 06:02 PM
科學家於11 億年前的岩石中發現到最古老的顏色





trump2018-7-15 10:11 AM

Dinosaurprince2018-7-18 12:17 AM
回復 #2 trump 的帖子

Those are fossil chlorophyll extract in the ancient sediment. If the pigment didn't undergo biogeochemical transformation, it is highly likely to be the color pigment for those cyanobacteria

dragonfly2018-7-21 06:34 AM

Dinosaurprince2018-7-24 09:05 PM

Check this pop-science article out.
Since the discovery of [i]Sinornithosaurus millennii[/i] melanin pigment preserved in the feather, scientists realized that it is possible to determined some species coloration if certain fossilized pigments are found. In this case, since the fossilized chlorophyll was found in the sedimentary pigment, it is easy to determined the colour or reconstruct the color based on the chlorophyll. A possible way maybe reverse the biogeochemical reaction of the organic pigment with basic organic chemistry techniques to reveal the original color.

By the way, while this looking at the color is exciting. I think the news article did not really focus on the main point for the origin literature which is more interesting in my opinion. The result is actually mainly focus on the primary environmental condition or trigger to the Cambrian explosion and possibly provide why  Cambrian explosion didnt occur earlier due to certain evolutionary biology/ environmental constrain during late pre-cambrian period.

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