化石講場-Fossils Board » [動物與植物 Animals And Plants] » Under poaching pressure, elephants are evolving to lose their tusks

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Dinosaurprince2018-11-17 11:27 PM
Under poaching pressure, elephants are evolving to lose their tusks

I just have a Ph.D. interview with Shane Campbell-Staton last week. I wish I can share you guys more story after I succeed my Ph.D. application this round.

[url=https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/11/wildlife-watch-news-tuskless-elephants-behavior-change/]Under poaching pressure, elephants are evolving to lose their tusks[/url]

stonecold2018-11-18 05:59 PM
Which subject of PHD?

寒武紀2018-11-28 11:36 AM

Dinosaurprince2018-11-30 09:38 PM
回復 #2 stonecold 的帖子

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology @ UCLA

Dinosaurprince2018-11-30 09:44 PM
回復 #3 寒武紀 的帖子

So far, only female elephant lose their tusk and the male still have their teeth possibly because of sexual selection/ the gene for losing tusk is X/Y chromosome-linked. But well, what evolutionary biology taught me the most is that nothing is permanent and every species/ individual will eventually die out one day. Just like nobody will expect dinosaurs to lose teeth and soar to sky nor dominant reptiles will disappear sometime... it just gives me senses of humbleness and respect to nature as human are so insignificant.

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