化石講場-Fossils Board » [恐龍地帶 Dinosaur Zone] » 雞的祖先是霸王龍? 鳥類的起源

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fossilshk2019-1-16 09:35 PM
雞的祖先是霸王龍? 鳥類的起源







dragonfly2019-1-20 09:28 AM

fossilshk2019-2-5 10:36 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]dragonfly[/i] 於 2019-1-20 05:28 PM 發表
雞的祖先不是馳龍科帶羽毛的恐龍嗎 [/quote]


Dinosaurprince2019-2-6 08:27 AM
I actually compared T-rex collagen protein w/ chicken's several years ago in the lab out of boredom. they have like 80%+ similarity if i didnt remember wrong

華dee2019-2-7 03:17 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Dinosaurprince[/i] 於 2019-2-6 04:27 PM 發表
I actually compared T-rex collagen protein w/ chicken's several years ago in the lab out of boredom. they have like 80%+ similarity if i didnt remember wrong [/quote]


fossilshk2019-2-28 08:33 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Dinosaurprince[/i] 於 2019-2-6 04:27 PM 發表
I actually compared T-rex collagen protein w/ chicken's several years ago in the lab out of boredom. they have like 80%+ similarity if i didnt remember wrong [/quote]

Dinosaurprince有空跟大家解釋一下雞與恐龍的關係, 相信很多人都想知道雞的祖先是由那一種恐龍而來:)

華dee2019-3-11 08:39 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]fossilshk[/i] 於 2019-3-1 04:33 AM 發表

Dinosaurprince有空跟大家解釋一下雞與恐龍的關係, 相信很多人都想知道雞的祖先是由那一種恐龍而來:) [/quote]


Dinosaurprince2019-3-13 09:01 PM
回復 #6 fossilshk 的帖子

chicken evolved from a group of dinosaur called "birds"  :)
It is a scientific consensus that birds are dinosaurs and should be grouped as a clade within theropod dinosaur. In fact, evolutionary speaking, the relationship between a Tyrannosaurus rex and sparrow is closer to the relationship between Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus rex in phylogenies.
For the graph there, I will explain it further next week after I settle down and secure my research position at Oxford.

奇奇2019-3-15 11:33 AM

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