化石講場-Fossils Board » [古生物新聞 Paleontology News] » 21億年前遺跡化石可能是最早的生物移動證據

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fossilshk2019-2-25 09:38 PM







Reconstructions of string-shaped structures — named Gabonionta — from the site Francevillian in Gabon; white and yellow arrows point to string-shaped specimens and microbial mats, respectively: (A) volume rendering showing the external surface of straight structures; inset (B) shows enlargement of string ending with a pyrite crystal (black arrows); (C) external surface volume rendering showing weakly sinuous string; (D) external surface volume rendering, frame denotes the position of subvertical tubes; (E) external volume transparencies of the same specimen as in D, lateral view showing the string-shaped specimens inside the host rock; frame denotes the position of subvertical tubes; (F and G) external volume transparencies of the same sample as in D and E at different heights in the sample; (H) twinned contorted strings; box denotes portion (cross-section) figured in I; (I) virtual cross-section of contorted strings, black arrow points to the precompactional deformation of silty shale laminae. Scale bars – 1 cm.

fossilshk2019-2-25 09:39 PM

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