化石講場-Fossils Board » [古生物新聞 Paleontology News] » 發現五億年前寒武紀異常多節的巨型雙殼節肢動物

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fossilshk2022-8-12 07:46 PM

5.06 億年前布爾吉斯頁岩動物群巨型雙殼節肢動物 [i]Balhuticaris voltae[/i]

加拿大發現新種雙殼節肢動物化石,這個物種名為[i]Balhuticaris voltae[/i] ,來自5.06 億年前的Burgess Shale布爾吉斯頁岩動物群,身體非常細長,擁有 110 個體節,在寒武紀節肢動物記錄中屬最多,體長24.5厘米,也是已知最大的寒武紀節肢動物之一。

Balhuticaris voltae swam in the oceans of the Cambrian period approximately 506 million years ago.
At 24.5 cm (9.6 inches) long, the ancient animal is one of the largest Cambrian arthropods and the biggest bivalved arthropod known to date, with the closest being Nereocaris exilis and Tuzoia.
Balhuticaris voltae had an extremely elongated and multisegmented body bearing ca. 110 pairs of homonomous biramous limbs.

巨型雙殼節肢動物化石 [i]Balhuticaris voltae[/i]

擁有 110 個體節


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