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標題: Photo Gallery: Cretaceous Period  
[爬行類] 高級會員
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UID 2531
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註冊 2007-7-25
來自 香港
狀態 離線
Photo Gallery: Cretaceous Period

Tyrannosaurus rex arose during the Cretaceous period about 85 million years ago and thrived as a top land predator until the dinosaurs went extinct 20 million years later. This skeleton, on display in Chicago's Field Museum, is a cast of perhaps the world's most famous fossil: "Sue," a 67-million-year-old T. rex discovered in 1990 in South Dakota by field paleontologist Sue Hendrickson. It is the most complete, best preserved, and, at 42 feet (12.8 meters), the largest T. rex specimen ever found.

Awaiting renovations, dinosaur models of differing scales crowd a warehouse at Dinamation headquarters in Irvine, California. Some of these specimens would have seen their heyday during the Cretaceous period, including the familiar Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops, the Parasaurolophus (front right), and the flying pterosaur (top left). Others, like the stegosaurids (front center), were already extinct when the Cretaceous began.

This rendering of Cretaceous life shows the diverse range of dinosaurs that lived between 145 and 65 million years ago, including maiasaurs (front left); tarbosaurs (top right), and pterosaurs (top center). In the foreground are depicted the first flowering plants and one of the earliest mammal relatives, both of which developed during this period and went on to survive the dinosaur extinction at the end of the Cretaceous.

Pterosaurs, like these depicted gliding near an ancient sea, first arose during the Triassic period about 215 million years ago. They endured for 150 million years, colonizing every continent and evolving into more than 120 species. They died out along with the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous.

This Sapeornis chaoyangensis fossil, housed in a Beijing museum, offers clues about the feeding habits of the Earth's early birds. The presence of gastroliths—stones ingested by animals to grind food in the gut—indicates that this species was a plant-eater. Other significant features include exceptionally long forelimbs, suggesting that Sapeornis, the largest known bird from the early Cretaceous, might have been able to soar.

Like their cousins the dinosaurs, pterosaurs stand out as one of evolution's great success stories. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 215 million years ago, and thrived for 150 million years before going extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period. Uncontested in the air, pterosaurs colonized all continents and evolved a vast array of shapes and sizes. This specimen, found in Italy, is Eudimorphodon ranzii, with a wingspan of about three feet (one meter) and 114 tiny teeth packed into its jaws.
Photograph by Jonathan Blair

From : Nationalgeographic

2008-4-24 08:24 PM#1
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[三葉蟲] 註冊會員
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UID 3138
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註冊 2007-12-29
來自 Mind
狀態 離線

霸王龍出現,在白堊紀時期約85萬年前,和蓬勃發展作為最高的土地捕食,直到恐龍滅絕二千萬年後。這具骸骨,就顯示在芝加哥的外地博物館,是一個演員,也許世界上最著名的化石: “控告” , 67萬年歷史的暴龍發現於1990年在南達科他州各領域的古生物控告亨德里克森。它是最完整,最好的保存,並在四十二英尺( 12.8米) ,最大的暴龍標本的發現。

等待翻修,恐龍模型,不同規模的人群一個倉庫在dinamation總部在爾灣,加利福尼亞州。一些這些標本,就會看到他們的鼎盛時期,在白堊紀時期,包括熟悉的暴龍和三角龍,副櫛龍(前排右) ,以及飛行翼龍(左上角) 。其他人一樣, stegosaurids (前排中心) ,已經滅絕的白堊紀時開始。

這繪製白堊世的生活顯示出各種各樣的恐龍生活之間的145至6500萬年前,包括maiasaurs (前左) ; tarbosaurs (右上角) ,以及翼龍(頂部中心) 。在前景描繪的是第一開花植物之一,最早的哺乳動物的親屬,這兩項研究的發展在這段期間內,接著就生存在恐龍滅絕於年底白堊紀。


這sapeornis chaoyangensis化石,住在北京的博物館,提供線索,食性的地球早起的鳥兒。在場的gastroliths石頭攝取動物磨食物在腸道-顯示,這個物種是一個植物吃。其他顯著的特點,包括特別長forelimbs ,暗示sapeornis ,已知的最大鳥類從早白堊世,可能已能劇增。

像他們的堂兄弟恐龍,翼龍站出來,作為一個進化的偉大的成功故事。他們首次出現在三疊紀時期, 2.15億年前,和蓬勃發展,為1.5億年前滅絕在去年底的白堊紀時期。無爭議的在空氣中,翼龍殖民地人民的所有大陸和形成了大量的形狀和大小。這個標本,發現在意大利,是eudimorphodon ranzii ,翼展約3英尺( 1米)和114個微小的牙齒裝入其頜骨。

來自: nationalgeographic
2008-4-24 09:04 PM#2
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[爬行類] 高級會員
Rank: 4

貢獻勳章   演講勳章   傑出會員勳章   榮譽勳章   出席勳章  
UID 2531
精華 2
積分 634
帖子 484
閱讀權限 70
註冊 2007-7-25
來自 香港
狀態 離線

2008-4-24 10:16 PM#3
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Franco仔 (震旦紀)
[哺乳類] 金牌會員
Rank: 5Rank: 5

貢獻勳章   演講勳章   出席勳章  
UID 2290
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積分 1761
帖子 1735
閱讀權限 90
註冊 2007-6-27
來自 香港
狀態 離線
145 and 65 million years ago 白堊紀時代


2008-4-24 10:16 PM#4
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