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標題: 史上最粗最長最重巨型蟒蛇化石哥倫比亞出土 (圖文) [打印本頁]

作者: fossilshk    時間: 2009-2-5 05:54 AM     標題: 史上最粗最長最重巨型蟒蛇化石哥倫比亞出土 (圖文)

美國科學家在哥倫比亞發現了目前世界上最大的蟒蛇殘留化石,估計這條蟒蛇足有一輛巴士的長度,身長13米,並能吞下鱷魚。體重據估計超過一噸﹔身圍最大處粗如成年人的腰。 這條被命名為"泰坦巨蟒"的大蛇生活在大約6千萬年前。

發表在《自然》科學雜誌上的研究報告說,這條巨蟒或許能吞下大如牛的動物。 報告撰寫人之一,美國印第安納大學的大衛﹒珀裡教授說,"泰坦巨蟒"可能與現代的南美洲巨蟒一樣,大部分時間在水裡生活。 "它可能需要吃很多東西。雖然我們並不知道它到底以吃什麼為生,但是它的獵物可能包括鱷魚或者大魚。"

研究者還根據這條蟒蛇的大小來估計地球在南美熱帶地區6千萬年前的氣溫。 古生物學家長期以來確信,地球溫度隨著不同地質期上升和下降,冷血動物的體型限度也是如此。 這是因為冷血動物的新陳代謝由所處環境的平均氣溫控制。

假定今天地球的氣溫並不異常,那麼研究人員估計,像"泰坦巨蟒"這樣身量的大蛇必須在年平均氣溫30至34攝氏度的氣候下才能存活。 而現在的哥倫比亞東北部地區的年平均氣溫只有大約28度。 科學家們因此預計,如果未來地球變暖,冷血動物們的身量可能還會增大。



作者: fossilshk    時間: 2009-2-5 06:02 AM     標題: Scientists find world's biggest snake


Researchers have found fossils of the biggest known snake in the world, a discovery that could shed light on the climate of the tropics in the past.

The scientists estimate the snake lived 58 to 60 million years ago and was around 13 metres long. The giant, found in northeastern Colombia, dwarfs modern pythons and anacondas which usually don't exceed 6-6.5 metres and are thought to be the largest living snakes.

Since snakes are poikilotherms that, unlike humans, need heat from their environment to power their metabolism, the researchers suggest that at the time the region would have had to be 30 to 34 degrees Celsius for the snake to have survived. Most large snakes alive today live in the South American and southeast Asian tropics, where the high temperatures allow them to grow to impressive sizes.

"We've taken the snake and turned it into a giant thermometer," says lead author and vertebrate palaeontologist Jason Head of the University of Toronto in Canada, who says he "just about screamed" when he first saw the size of the fossils.

Head's colleagues discovered fossilized vertebrae and ribs from 28 individual snakes in an open-pit coal mine at Cerrejón. The vertebrae's structure suggests the snake is closely related to the boa constrictor, leading the team to name the species Titanoboa cerrejonensis, or 'titanic boa from Cerrejon'. By comparing the shapes and sizes of the two best-preserved vertebrae to those of living snakes, the researchers calculated that the snake was 12.8 metres long and weighed 1,135 kilograms.

King of snakes

A vertebra of a modern Anaconda  and  a vertebra from the Titanoboa.

"It is hands-down the largest snake ever confirmed," says Harry Greene, an evolutionary biologist at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, who was not involved in the work. "I think it's really spectacular."

Using models1 based on the largest modern-day snakes and their estimate of the Titanoboa's size, the team calculated how hot the tropics must have been 58 to 60 million years ago, a period known as the Palaeocene. The mean annual temperature would need to be at least 30-34 degrees Celsius to support the snake's metabolism, the researchers report in Nature2. This range matches previous estimates from Palaeocene climate models that assume high atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations3.

The results support the idea that the temperature difference between the Palaeocene tropics and higher-latitude regions was as large as it is today, even though the higher latitudes were much warmer during that time. This counters the so-called 'thermostat' hypothesis, which predicts that tropical temperatures would stay fairly stable even as other parts of the world heated up.

The study offers a "really big piece of evidence" to researchers trying to estimate Palaeocene climates, says Lisa Sloan, a climate scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz. But Greene cautions that the team based their temperature calculations partially on the largest known size of an anaconda today, which the study pegs at 7 metres. This number is "very conservative" and could be as high as 11 metres, Greene says, which would lower the corresponding temperature estimate for the Palaeocene tropics.
(4 February 2009   Nature News)
作者: 達爾文    時間: 2009-2-5 05:03 PM

作者: Franco仔    時間: 2009-2-5 10:45 PM

作者: 寒武紀    時間: 2009-2-6 01:30 AM

作者: c7    時間: 2009-2-7 11:19 PM     標題: 回復 #2 fossilshk 的帖子

THANKS fossilshk 中英對照!
作者: oviraptor    時間: 2009-2-8 05:15 PM

原帖由 Franco仔 於 2009-2-5 10:45 PM 發表
你沒看內容嗎 當然是新
作者: whitefang    時間: 2009-2-8 07:47 PM

有多少人想起了 D-war?嘿嘿

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