fossilshk | 2008-6-18 08:22 AM |
科學家在加拿大發現7000萬年前新種恐龍化石 (中英/圖)
她将這項研究報告的詳細資料發表在近期出版的《加拿大地球科學》雜志上。目前,蘇斯圖特恐龍的骨骼化石收藏于卑詩省皇家博物館内。(13/06/2006) |
fossilshk | 2008-6-18 08:24 AM |
New Canadian Dinosaur Largely Mysterious
This composite shows what bones were found and what the Sustut dinosaur may have looked like 70 million years ago.
A prospecting geologist stumbled upon a ragtag bunch of bones in the northern part of British Columbia, more than three decades ago. A new study suggests these fossils could represent a new species of dinosaur.
But beyond that, the dinosaur's identity is a mystery - sort of a Dino Doe.
The small collection of bones includes seven shin, arm and toe bones, as well as a possible skull fragment. Based on the shapes and sizes of the bones, paleontologists think they could have belonged to a type of small- to medium-sized dinosaur, possibly a pachycephalosaur or ornithopod.
The specimen is referred to as the Sustut dinosaur, because it was found in the Sustut Basin in north-central British Columbia, Canada.
Kenny Larsen found the bones in 1971 while prospecting for thorium, a radioactive element. During his fieldwork, his instruments registered above-background levels of radiation, which turned out to be emitted by the bones. Larsen collected the loose bones from the rubble and held onto them until donating them to Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 2004.
The bones were studied by then-undergraduate student Victoria Arbour who soon realized the remains were a rare find: They are well-preserved and are the most complete dinosaur specimen found in British Columbia to date.
Larsen's original field notes were lost, so paleontologists don't know the exact location where the bones were found, making them harder to date. Based on properties of the rock attached to some of the fragments, Arbour and her colleagues think the specimen may date to about 70 million years ago in the Upper Cretaceous Period.
The bone fragments resemble those from a small two-legged, plant-eating dinosaur, Arbour found. Certain bones are similar to those from pachycephalosaurs, which ran on two legs and sported thick, dome-shaped skulls, while others are similar to ornithopods, bipedal grazers with horny beaks.
"There are similarities with two other kinds of dinosaurs although there's also an arm bone we've never seen before," Arbour said. "The Sustut dinosaur may be a new species, but we won't know for sure until more fossils can be found."
The bone fragments could possibly be from more than one individual, or even more than one type of dinosaur, the study notes.
Arbour's findings are detailed in the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. Her research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Alberta Ingenuity.
The fossils are currently in the collection of the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, British Columbia.
(Yahoo 13/06/2006) |
Franco仔 | 2008-6-18 09:43 AM |
中英對照,THX~~~~ |
bernizzz_fish | 2008-6-25 10:47 AM |
為什麼從這麼少的骨頭都可以判斷出恐龍的種類? |
Seeley的分類經過時間的考驗,但羅伯特·巴克(Robert Bakker)在「The Dinosaur Heresies」一書中,將獸腳亞目獨立為個別的目,並將蜥腳形亞目與鳥臀目集合為一個目「Phytodinosauria」(植物恐龍)或是「Ornithischiformes」。
恐龍總目被Harry Seeley於1887年分為兩目:蜥臀目、鳥臀目。這種分法主要根據形狀類似鳥的骨盆(但是鳥類並非鳥臀目的後代)、脊椎骨的細節、以及是否擁有前齒骨。前齒骨是下顎前一塊從齒骨額外生長的骨頭,形狀為U形,在生前可能覆蓋者角質;而前齒骨後緣有溝槽,因此鳥臀目恐龍可轉動關節,以產生咀嚼食物的動作。[1]前齒骨與上顎的前上顎骨互相咬合。它們呈現類似鳥嘴的形狀,可以撕裂植物。
[img][/img] |
fossilshk | 2008-6-25 11:19 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]bernizzz_fish[/i] 於 2008-6-25 06:47 PM 發表
為什麼從這麼少的骨頭都可以判斷出恐龍的種類? [/quote]
骨幹結構可分出種類,但另一半是側是猜想的 |
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