(Dinosaur Prince)
[魚類] 中級會員
UID 3198
積分 377
帖子 272
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2008-2-5 來自 Hong Kong
狀態 離線
In HK there is not much choices for you beside geology professor
Thats why I recomment to live in oversea
Most student continoue thier study n finish doctor in palaeotology and be a professor of paleotology in colleges or in some museum
Out of those choices, some student are hired by oil companies for searching new oil fields. And normally, the salary of those students are highest among the subject. And u may have a lot of leisure time for writing new papers in the company.
But there is another choices too, say, science teacher, working in business, artist and a vast variety of choice
For me, I want to work in national geographic channel or discovery channel which I can teach relative more people about science and generalise scientific knowledge to the world