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標題: Oldest Jurassic dinosaur in Britain unearthed in Wales  
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精華 23
積分 4648
帖子 2766
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2006-7-14
來自 中國/香港
狀態 離線
Oldest Jurassic dinosaur in Britain unearthed in Wales

圖片附件: Dracoraptor.jpg (2016-1-22 03:21 AM, 38.8 K)

Dracoraptor hanigani

The remains of Britain's oldest known Jurassic dinosaur have been unearthed in Wales. Scientists named the new species Dracoraptor hanigani, literally "dragon robber."

The 200-year-old bones were first found in 2014, discovered beneath a cliff on a beach in Wales by a pair of fossil-hunting brothers, Rob and Nick Hanigan. The Hanigans relayed their discovery to paleontologists in England.

A year later, a paleontology student from the University of Portsmouth found foot bones at the same site. Excavations began in earnest, with paleontologists from Portsmouth, the University of Manchester and the National Museum of Wales leading the way. Skull, claws, teeth and foot bones were successfully removed from the site.

圖片附件: Dracoraptor3.jpg (2016-1-22 03:21 AM, 172.61 K)

Left premaxilla with tooth in lateral view

圖片附件: Dracoraptor2.jpg (2016-1-22 03:22 AM, 78.04 K)

(A-C) Morphology of unguals. Exact position in manus uncertain; (D) furcula.

http://journals.plos.org/plosone ... ournal.pone.0145713

2016-1-22 03:21 AM#1
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