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標題: World’s First Baby Woolly Rhino Discovered In Siberian Ice  
fossilshk (Lung)
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精華 23
積分 4616
帖子 2748
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2006-7-14
來自 中國/香港
狀態 離線
World’s First Baby Woolly Rhino Discovered In Siberian Ice

Baby woolly mammoth, named Sasha, was found in Siberian ice by hunters in the Sakha Republic
First juvenile to be found, possibly because infant mortality rate was low and the animals bred slowly
Sasha's wool, an ear, one eye, its nostrils, and mouth are well preserved and scientists will first try to extract DNA
The reason for the woolly rhino's extinction is not fully understood, but like woolly mammoths, they may have been over-hunted by early man and affected by the receding Ice Age and the spread of disease

圖片附件: baby woolly rhinoceros.jpg (2015-3-13 08:20 AM, 159.97 K)

The remains of a baby woolly rhinoceros, which still has its fleece, has been discovered in the ice of Siberia.
Named Sasha, the extinct creature - which must be at least 10,000 years old and is the first juvenile woolly rhino to be found - was well preserved by permafrost and experts are hopeful of extracting its DNA.
A local hunter found the infant woolly rhino in a ravine by a stream in Russia's largest and coldest region, the Sakha Republic, also known as Yakutia, in September.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/scien ... .html#ixzz3UDis6gMc

2015-3-13 08:20 AM#1
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