積分 1884
帖子 1314
閱讀權限 100
註冊 2007-7-19
狀態 離線
圖片附件: Trilobite eggs.jpg (2017-1-19 11:06 PM, 122.5 K)
A: Ventrally preserved specimen (Yale Peabody Museum [YPM] 535703) showing nine eggs in the specimen’s left genal angle.
B: Ventrally preserved specimen (YPM 535704) showing four eggs in the specimen’s right genal angle.
C: Close-up of the egg-bearing region from the specimen in B.
D: Close up of the egg-bearing region from the specimen in A.
E: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the eggs from the specimen in A and D. Note that the perspective is twisted ~180° from that in D.
F: SEM image of an egg from E.
G: Close-up SEM image of the egg surface from F. Note the dominant framboids and rare euhedral crystals of pyrite.
H: Close-up of a limb from A. Note the dominant framboids and rare euhedral crystals of pyrite.
I: SEM image of a disarticulated cranidium (YPM 238366) that was replaced with pyrite.
J: SEM image showing the replacement fabric from I. Note the dominant euhedral crystals of pyrite.
| 寒武紀:生命的伊甸園 |